Undavalli Caves or Rock Cut Cave Temple - Andhra Pradesh

Undavalli Caves or Rock cut cave temple is a historic site located in  Guntur District, Andhra Pradesh are very near to Vijayawada Prakasham barriage! After visiting this place we felt it is one of the best decision we took to visit this place! Though its been many years since visiting this place it is still fresh in memory! While glancing my old pictures i felt like writing about this gem! These caves are surrounded by green fields and overlook the Krishna River. 

It is one of the Archeology protected Site ,Once you enter there is big board in the entance of these caves which says:

Rock Cut Cave Temple – Undavalli. An impressive four-storeyed rock cut temple probably commenced in the 6th - 7th  Century AD. It was under continuous royal patronage till 16th Century AD. The ground floor more or less is an unfinished pillared hall, while the first story house the Trinity, the second was dedicated to Anantasayana Vishnu and the top storey was intended for a triple shrine but unfinished, some of the extant sculptural specimens, on the stylistic grounds were attributed to the Chalukyan period.

The first look of the caves is given here. In the extreme left you can see an elephant carving on the wall!Extreme Right and in middle of the caves there is a Huge Elephant Trunk covering the Frist and second level!

As it read in the description here us the unfinished pillared hall of Ground  floor! It is huge walkway and has some carvings of hindu godess! One can observe Flower Motifs on the Pillars also some pillars have Arch kind of entrance ! 

There are steps to enter the different levels. These are very narrow and steep!

First floor has lot of Hindu diety carvings, Trinity Musician carvings and also a Ganesha temple! We could not take pics in the first floor as the day we were visiting is a week day and the first floor was full of school students who have come as a part of school excursion! There is a narasimha Avataram statue as well!

Second floor has the major attraction for the Caves which is anantha padmanabhaswamy Monolith Rock carving done on Granite Stone!  

A closer look of Anantha Syana Padmanabha swamy or Lord Vishnu!

On the wall where this big monolith Carved Statue is present we can find Lord Brahma, Garuda and other God and Goddess Carvings on the wall!

Contrast to first two level Third level is open and has Sculptures of these meditating Rishis on one side and the other side has Lion kind of Animal and some different statue kind of Structures! 

Some of the figues present in these ccaves so unique and not to be missed! Over all you need to have 2-3 hours of time for watching all these levels! 

 All the Pictures are taken intentionally in Monochrome mode giving the feel of Old Era and the caves effetct! 

Few details about the caves:

The caves are open for tourist visit from 9 AM to 6 PM in general.

Entrance fee is 25 Rs for all Adults! 


Uma iyer said…
Love your blog❤️

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